God Painted a Pretty Picture

God Painted a Pretty Picture

Sunday, March 13, 2011

My brain

Despite all beliefs to the contrary, I do have a brain.  I have had 2 MRI's done.  One was done in 1994, the other was done in 2008.  The doctors confirmed what I saw on the MRI film.  I have a brain.  Now as to whether or not I use that brain... well, that's up to me!
Lately, though, I haven't been able to use my brain.  I think I overloaded it.  There is so much in there, and  it is apparently pea-size, so it tends to snarl up as though a rat made a nest in it.  Seriously.  Have you heard me speak?!  Words do not come out right, or do not come out at all.  I'm searching for words.  Thankfully, I have people around me who are able to fill in the blanks when I can't latch onto the word out that I'm looking for. 
Do you have any idea how frustrating that is?  I am used to having a creative mind.  One that could write letters or stories or poems.  One that could fill in the blanks for others.  Never at a loss for words! 
Then there are those times that my brain is going ninety to nothing and all of a sudden I think "I need to write all of this down RIGHT NOW because if I don't, it will be gone and lost forever!"  Guess what?  As soon as I grab pen and paper, it's gone. 
What do I want to start blogging about?  My love for my family.  My love for God.  My love for the Bible.  My thoughts on verses in the Bible.  Different things....  Things that frustrate me because of the injustice...  I actually do have a list started.  Subjects:
1.  Who would Jesus be friends with?
2.  Caffeine.
3.  Hagar.
4. Prison Ministry.
5. Parent/Friend.
I thought of these as I drove down the road.  I wrote them on a piece of paper.  I can't believe I can read what I wrote.  Hey... at least I wasn't texting...
I just read what I wrote "There is so much in there"....  I am laughing.  That sounds so, I don't know, conceited?  I meant I have a lot on my mind.  All of the time. 
There is one thing I always have on my mind.  I AM BLESSED. 
Keep Smiling!!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey You,
    Writing while you're driving is worse than texting. On a brighter note, Hi5 for figuring out this blog thing!
